Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve Gastrectomy


A sleeve gastrectomy is a weight loss surgical procedure where a large portion of the stomach is removed, leaving a long tube-shaped stomach. A sleeve gastrectomy aims to reduce food intake and help control hunger signals via hormone changes.

Sleeve gastrectomy surgery is a tool for weight loss. Long-term success is dependent on a person committing significant lifestyle changes. With healthy changes, a person can expect sustained, long-term weight loss of approximately 25 to 30 percent of their total body weight.


You may be a suitable candidate for weight loss surgery if your body mass index (BMI) is over 30 and you have weight-related health problems or if your BMI is over 35 without any obesity-related conditions.

At your initial appointment, Dr Moar will meet with you to better understand your health and future goals and discuss treatment options.

Preoperative Instructions

You may need to follow a calorie-restricted diet in the weeks leading up to the surgery. Losing weight in the two weeks immediately before surgery usually reduces the size of your liver and makes the surgery safer.


Sleeve gastrectomy is a keyhole procedure that involves using a laparoscopic stapler to create a ‘sleeve’, which is a long, thin tube-like stomach. The rest of the stomach is removed.

People who wish to undergo a sleeve gastrectomy must be committed to a long-term investment in their health. This includes taking multivitamin supplements (to compensate for nutrients that will be lost, particularly in the weight loss phase) and having regular blood tests to look for nutritional deficiencies.

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